When coming to the United States for work it can be extremely easy to find a job if you have your green card and legal documents, but if you come into America without either of those things, life can be extremely difficult when trying to obtain a job. If you come to America, illegally, and happen to land a job you most likely will be paired minimum wage instead of a full paying job. If you and your family are suffering from intense debt and you are completely broke, trying to find work illegally for minimum wage doesn't seem like a bad idea. In fact, it seems like a wonderful idea if it gives your family a better chance at life.
In this article about illegal aliens taking U.S. jobs it explains how most of the illegal immigrants try to find work without their green card or any legal documents. An estimated 71.4% of illegal immigrants can get a job here, most getting paid the least possible. But, in the long run, coming to the United States and getting a job, with full risk of prison time, pays off because you are able to provide for your family with all the money you make and there is a possibility your family can join you in America. Overall, the smartest thing to do as an immigrant is to get your green card so you can legally work in America and get paid what you deserve.
In the book, The Distance Between Us, the Man Behind The Glass chose to migrate to the United States so that he can send his family money and he can try to build a beautiful new house for his family. Due to the lack in jobs in his home country, the father moves to America as an illegal immigrant and tries to find work but in the beginning it is very hard for him to land a job because he is an illegal alien. However, after a long time in search he job his job and his green card which can help him find a better and
higher paying job.
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